Donate Volunteer Urgent Animals in Need

Urgent Sassy and Primo

Please help us out if you can with a small contribution to Sassy and Primo's Go Fund Me boarding costs - link below -- every little bit helps while we are trying so hard to find these sweet souls their next foster/adopter. Boarding is their only safe option right now. Thank you so much!

UPDATE...they were shelter bound this past Monday,

Pittie mush BulldogTwo dogsTwo dogs

Pioneers for Animal Welfare Society, Inc stepped in, as did not want them going to the shelter; they are bonded and shelters are so full. We took them in at the last hour- we are not a facility-we are purely foster based and we have so many in need. We have no fosters but did not want them going to the shelter, so we had to put them into boarding. We do not have the funds to care for them after this week as someone offered to pay their first week of boarding. We also need to get Sassy to the vet as she has a growth on her back. Please see our FB page and Instagram for more videos and pictures.

We have started a GoFundMe as we are overwhelmed with animals and their guardians in need. But they also need a home….foster or adoption- we do not want them to stay in boarding.

They are confused and sad and so very sweet. They lost their dad and their home but at least they have each other. They desperately need a home.

Primo, pittie mush, 90 lbs is a neutered boy and is 6; Sassy, bulldog/pug mix, 35 lbs is a spayed girl who is 10 yrs old and they are best friends. They enjoy their walks and Sassy has her own little strut. They love to play, go for walks. Cats unknown, dogs are good but must of course have appropriate meets. They have lived with children There has to be someone out there who has a home who can take these two in. PLEASE.

Please contact if you can assist or call 631.306.4616.